Willem Koert (1965) is a sociologist, researcher and science writer. In the nineties he did a research on the bodybuilding culture, and found out that his fascination for the subject was a problem. It was too big. Researchers usually disconnect from a subject as soon as they think they understand it. This was no option for Koert.
To understand why bodybuilders want to improve their physique might be interesting, but the how-questions that arise when you answer the why-questions where even more interesting to Koert. How do you develop muscular strength? How can you make muscles grow faster? How can you burn fat without affecting the muscular tissue?
Koert knew that if he wanted answers to those questions, he needed more in-depth knowledge than researchers can get. He had to bury himself not once, but hundreds of times in the available information. A researcher cannot afford to do this, but a science writer can. So that became Koert's new profession.
Koert started writing about nutrition and health, and specialized in weight training, sports nutrition and sports supplements, and still does. Every day he plunges into new and forgotten studies, and blogs about this on www.ergogenics.org and www.ergo-log.com for an ever-growing audience of interested athletes, coaches, researchers and companies. Besides, his articles are published in Dutch professional journals such as 'Krachttraining en Supplement' (Weight Lifting and Supplements) but also in popular press such as 'Men's Health' and 'Sport & Fitness'.
"To understand the world is nice and well", a German philosopher with voluptuous hair once said, "but what it is really all about is to change the world." And that is why Koert works with De Mey. He has been changing the world his whole life.
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